Costa Rica

Productivity benefits for your sales team

Productivity benefits for your sales team

Why is a productive, capable and goal-oriented sales team important?

Let’s start at the beginning, a sales team without objectives and without a clear management model, is like driving blindly for free.

Productive sales team

The company’s sales team has been and continues to be a strategic support for every business. It is the enabler for one of their key objectives: income generation for their sustainability and advancement.

Let us first understand the general concept of productivity, which refers to the relationship between the quantity of products obtained through a productive system and the quantity of resources used in its production or the achievement of a sale or service (this will depend on the industry). In short, how much effort, time and resources does my product or service cost me throughout its value chain?

What KPIs do you establish in your sales team?

In order to establish accurate business productivity indicators, the indicators must comply with characteristics such as:

-Relevance for the sales consultant, for the sales area and for the company.

-Easily measurable, i.e., representable by a figure or number.

-To be easy to understand. No complicated names that give rise to doubts about what you want to achieve.

-The condition of being comparable, i.e., that this month’s indicator can be contrasted with that of previous periods.

Why is my sales team not meeting goals?

It does not meet the goals because there is probably no defined objective, no follow-up on indicators, lack of progress meetings and lack of customer and prospect management.

Our recommendation is that you give your team, after a planning of objectives and KPIs, the necessary weapons for the war and a strategy or leader to follow. What we mean, equip your sales force with a CRM that covers all the needs of contact, follow-up, conversion and captive customer generation through customer knowledge and satisfaction.

Managing your team with a CRM allows you to track the productivity of your sales team at all times, save time and costs, and have data and business and service insights that an agenda and a desk phone will never give you.

Benefits sales team productivity

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If you are interested in implementing a strategy for your commercial team and need advice or to execute the plan, please contact us, we will be happy to assist you. Agenda Here

Soon we will tell you how to build a productive team and what KPIs you should take into account.

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