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Growth in social networks 2021 and buyer persona

Growth in social networks 2021 and buyer persona

How is the growth in social networks and why should I have them in my company?

Your company does not yet have social networks, are you still hesitating to open them? Or do they have them but they are not being given the right focus?

Since 2020 starting pandemic we saw an increase in the use of social networks & e-commerce, the online presence is so necessary that we can say that, if a business is not on the Internet, the business does not exist.

This year there are 4.2 billion active users across all social media in the world, representing 53.6% of the global population, showing a significant growth of 13.2%, or 490 million new users.


Still hesitating on social networks?

Social networks allow you to have a presence, but they are also an excellent channel for communicating and prospecting with current and future customers, building a reputation and keeping up to date. Growth in social networks and a good approach to them increases the reach of your brand.

Companies know how important it is to position themselves in search engines to improve traffic and be an option for the customer. But it’s not just a website that can boost your reach, you can also do it with social media.

Your customers use the networks to share what they are interested in with friends, making it much easier to reach new audiences or potential customers.

Here is some data from Hootsuite showing the % of the population using social networks by geographic area

Users VS Population

74% of the population in North America are social media users.

71% of the population in Central America are social media users.

51% of the population in the Caribbean are social media users.

72% of the population in South America are social media users.

Via Hootsuite

The right social networks for my business?

It is not necessary to participate in all of them, as the recommendation is to choose those where you think your target audience is located.

Facebook is a social network for leisure and training, so it is more personal. By having a fan page on facebook you generate dynamic relationships with customers, detailed updates and you can use your profiles as extensions of your web pages.

– Building a brand with the Facebook community

– Monitor the activity of the company’s page, thanks to Facebook Insights, to get feedback on what content is best received (likes, comments, saves and shares).

– Ease and breadth of networking.

It is important to know that Facebook gives priority to the publications of your customer’s social circle, the quickest way to reach them is through targeted ads.

Instagram is a visual social network (images and video), where you promote brand engagement. ç

Products and services are of great importance and novelties, services, products, events, and other visual information are shown. Instagram’s algorithm segments posts and shows the user what they are most likely to like, that’s why it’s important to make good use of # hashtags and optimize the account bio on instagtram.

Instagram has significantly increased the number of users and today is a key network for brands and users, if your brand is b2c, it is ideal, do not miss the opportunity to make brand advocate and brand abassador marketing campaigns, it is certainly a strategy that will give greater reach and recognition to your brand.

Twitter is the most used by companies, as it stands out for its immediacy. B2B and B2C businesses can coexist here. Companies that do not have much time but want to be connected and monitor what they talk about the brand, allowing quick and direct response to customer questions, criticism, also allows to promote products with twitter ADS and provide customer service.

LinkedIn brings together a large number of professionals looking for connections, jobs or business. B2B or B2C companies stand out when it comes to job search. It is used to find new customers, partners and facilitate relationships with influential brands for the company.

Create circles of contacts where to integrate qualified professionals and experts of the sector. It informs about company events and relevant information, news, job vacancies, company achievements and those of its collaborators.

Pinterest is a very intuitive image search engine, arguably more intuitive than the google image search engine.

On Pinterest people are looking for ideas and possibly buying. If you have a company with colorful products, decoration, furniture, or any other, we recommend that you create a Pinterest account and connect it with your website, you will see that the reach that Pinterest gives you will help you a lot and will be very noticeable.

YouTube gives you the opportunity to create an account and upload videos. You can take advantage if your business has services that can be promoted through tutorials and demonstrations.

Tik Tok seemingly exploded out of nowhere to become one of the most popular applications in the world.

To date it has more than 1.5 billion downloads and the majority of users are under 24 years old, it is a social network that emerged in 2020 after the pandemic, its main user is young, B2C and among some older users it is a video-based network, showing a fun side of its users.

For companies it is key to know how behaviors work within the network and it is possible to carry out advertising and branding campaigns with interesting results. A Plus is that videos have a good reach and fast organic growth, unlike other networks.

The social networks for your business are the ones that your customer uses, for this it is important to segment according to your buyer persona, but we will see that later.

Strategies According to my buyer persona

Strategy makers have surely gone through the question “How will I reach my customer or buyer persona?”

It is something similar in the digital situation, we have to take the strategy according to our buyer persona, show us in the social network that uses our buyer persona / potential customer, create content and information that is useful and their liking, this will help in the growth in social networks of your company.

Understanding our potential customer is fundamental not only for product development, but also for the creation of content that will guide the acquisition of new customers.

This will help you generate conversions at a lower cost.

How do I decide my buyer persona?

Buyer persona is a fictitious character that is built from the ethnography of a population (age, sex, habits, hobbies among many others), work sector, family and behaviors. It is important to know that for the same product or service, a company can have different Buyer Persona profiles. It’s really not that difficult, you just have to ask yourself the right questions and all employees who have contact with the customer, such as marketing, sales and customer service, can participate.

Buyer personas will help you better understand your current and potential customers, facilitate the creation and planning of content and what kind of services you should offer according to the needs, behaviors and concerns of the different groups.

We will share with you a

buyer persona generator

from our Partner Hubspot

We hope this article will help you in your decision and in choosing the right social networks.

If you have any doubts about running your social networks with the right strategy, write to us.

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